Privacy Policy

Last updated: December 2023

We, Modak DAO, highly value the personal information of our users. This Privacy Policy serves as a resource to aid in your comprehension of the information we gather, the purposes behind its collection, as well as the procedures for its management and removal. This privacy policy pertains to your use of Modak DAO's Services and does not extend to third-party services.

Upon accepting the terms of service for our platform, your consent to the privacy policy is implicitly granted. This signifies that your agreement to the Service's terms also encompasses acceptance of its privacy policy.

Publication and Amendment of the Privacy Policy

We've ensured easy access to our Privacy Policy by placing it in the footer of our website. From time to time, we may find it necessary to make amendments to this policy. When alterations are made to the terms of our privacy policy, we'll promptly update the date at the top of this document. Unless expressly specified otherwise, these revisions will take effect immediately. Your continued use of our Services following the announcement of these changes will indicate your consent to the updated privacy policy.

Collection and Use of User Data

Given the inherent characteristics of Web 3.0-based service, we refrain from gathering personal information from general users, with the exception of the cookies described in separate section below.

We value your privacy and want to be transparent about how we handle your data. When you use our services, we may collect certain information, including your username, bio for your profile, profile image, and other relevant details. These details are collected solely for the purpose of distinguishing and identifying unique users on our platform. Rest assured that we have no intention of using or selling this data for our own benefit. We strictly employ this information for operational purposes to enhance your experience and the functionality of our services. Your data's security and confidentiality are of utmost importance to us, and we are committed to safeguarding it in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

We retain personal data only as long as necessary for operational purposes, complying with applicable laws. We take the required technological and managerial measures to secure your personal information as per the law.

You have the right to request inquiries, modifications, or deletion of your data held by us at any time. You may also withdraw your consent for data collection provided to us in the past. Your data privacy and rights are our priority.


We use cookies for multiple purposes including to ensure quality operation of our services, to collect statistical data for analytical purposes, to provide functions that enhance the user experience, etc. You can choose to disable cookies in your browser settings, however, this may limit how you can use our service.

We use cookies for the following purposes:

  1. To keep you connected to your wallet. The information we collect through local storage to stay connected to your wallet is saved on your browser and remains there even after you close your browser.

  2. To collect statistical data. We collect statistical data to analyze how users interact with our services, such as the pages they visit, the time of their visits, and the channels through which they accessed our website.

  3. To improve your user experience. We may use browser cookies to provide features that enhance your user experience, such as customization and performance/analysis.

We use Google Analytics for the above purposes. Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. that uses cookies to help us analyze how users use our services. The information generated by the cookies about your use of our services is transmitted to and stored on Google's servers in various jurisdictions. Google Inc. uses this information to track your use of our services and compile reports on your activity. Under its agreement with Google Inc., Google Inc. is prohibited from using this information for its own purposes and may only share it with third parties as required by applicable law. You can opt out of Google Analytics tracking by visiting the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on page.

If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy or the exercise of your rights related to personal information,

Last updated